Friday, 30 October 2009
The Typhoon Undoy Recap
This is my late post for typhoon Undoy. I didn't want to think of it but it happened already. That was a tremendous and an unforgettable experience for all who were there in Manila. Few weeks ago we saw it in, many suffered for the loss of their families, friends, neighbors, workers, and many others. Not only that, even the small ones, the children suffered, my hubby and I were crying looking at them. I never thought that this typhoon would lead to the loss of many Filipinos.
Just last week, a friend of ours, sent an email telling us about the experience of their families in Manila. It's good that they were in Bacolod during that time. According to her, their car (CR-V) was also damaged caused by "typhoon undoy" and needed to be repaired. Her family together with some helpers missed some meals because they can't go down to the groundfloor and cooked for their food. The water was so heavy that they couldn't do anything unless to pray and ask God for help. That was their last option. I guess, many people remembered to talk and ask for His help and grace. They really suffered a lot. Even some bloggers experienced the same thing. They were also struck by typhoon undoy. Many people were missing and no where to be found.
Typhoons, earthquakes, hurricane, thunderstorms and the like can't be controlled by men nor by the strongest man on earth. Filipinos suffered a lot of calamities in the Phil. Our country has a lot of storms, earthquakes, landslides and many others. According to wikipedia, a storm is characterized by a large low-pressure center and numerous thunderstorms that produce strong winds and heavy rain. However, an earthquake (also known as a tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as a seismograph, wikipedia says. There are many causes why all these troubles happened. Here in Thailand, we never experienced storms but when their is heavy rain, there is "Nam Tuwam" which means flood for thai people. Our place is like a bowl so when there is heavy rain the water will gather and because we are at the center it will be flooded by water. We can't control all these natural calamities, it will really happen. But one thing for sure, we need to cling to the great source. When troubles will come, we have nothing to do but to trust the Almighty for He knows what lies ahead of us, "He holds our future", He knows the best!
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Word-Filled Wednesday

Psalm 23:2
He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me beside quite waters
Watery Wednesday

Thailand has many lakes, bigger than we expected. In some places it's very huge and it will take you more than an hour to travel by boat. We had a lot of friends anywhere and these pictures were taken in the western part of Thailand.
There are a lot of photos and places around the world. You can travel by just clicking in the link here.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Family Fun

As a family we went out together. We ate together, play together. Before sleeping our 6-year old will cry if won't read his Bible, afterward, we read our Bible too and pray together. We also played bowling together, visit some places like the beach, waterfalls, huge and small lakes, parks, hot spring and other known places around the area. We even visited some friends around and our kids will have fun playing with their babies and children alike.
We really had fun - although at times my teenager won't go with us because he was feeling awkward these days due to his changing life. But I have to force him to be with us and explain to him that he won't be going with us all the time in the next few years. And he agreed. That's what families are for. A family should stick together - come what may...
I guess, you have your own story to tell and share with us about your own family.

Sunday, 25 October 2009
Mellow Yellow Monday
I'm not sure if you like this photo but I like to post it today here at Mellow Yellow Monday.
My sister shared this photo last year. We love to sit and gaze the sun setting down. We love nature and we love to take pictures and share.
You can also join by clicking the link. You will see a lot of beautiful posts and join the fun. A blessed day to all!

Today's Flowers
In the Phil. these flowers are known as Baho-baho (smelly) in our place. And many didn't bother to plant because of the smell. But here in Thailand, it's very known and most of the people love it.
It's blooming and beautiful. It has a color combination which makes it more attractive for people to gaze.
By clicking here, you will be led to more of the flowers being posted. You can see a lot of flowers around the world.
Yummy Sunday
For those who saw these for the first time can't really to grab and try one.
Boogie has more of Yummy Sunday. Try to click the link and join the fun.

Saturday, 24 October 2009
Scenic Sunday

Scenic Sunday is up again.
We can gaze to different scenes anywhere in the world.
Thanks for this meme.
Try to click the link and be counted.
You will have fun gazing at the beautiful places.
Friday, 23 October 2009
SkyWatch Friday

The sea is connected to the sky.
How awesome our world is.
Our Creator is great.
SkyWatch is still on every Friday with amazing posts and photos
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
WFW - God's Creation
God called the dry ground "land" and the gathered waters he called "seas". And God saw that it was good.
Gen. 1:10
Most posts with Cristy at Critty Joy. You can join too. Check this out.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Fake Security Software in Millions of Computers
Tens of millions of U.S. computers are loaded with scam security software that their owners may have paid for but which only makes the machines more vulnerable, according to a new Symantec report on cybercrime.
Cyberthieves are increasingly planting fake security alerts that pop up when computer users access a legitimate website. The "alert" warns them of a virus and offers security software, sometimes for free and sometimes for a fee.
"Lots of times, in fact they're a conduit for attackers to take over your machine," said Vincent Weafer, Symantec's vice president for security response.
"They'll take your credit card information, any personal information you've entered there and they've got your machine," he said, referring to some rogue software's ability to rope a users' machine into a botnet, a network of machines taken over to send spam or worse.
Symantec found 250 varieties of scam security software with legitimate sounding names like Antivirus 2010 and SpywareGuard 2008, and about 43 million attempted downloads in one year but did not know how many of the attempted downloads succeeded, said Weafer.
"In terms of the number of people who potentially have this in their machines, it's tens of millions," Weafer said.
It was also impossible to tell how much cyberthieves made off with but "affiliates" acting as middlemen to convince people to download the software were believed to earn between 1 cent per download and 55 cents., which has been shut down, had boasted that its top affiliates earned as much as $332,000 a month for selling scam security software, according to Weafer.
"What surprised us was how much these guys had tied into the whole affiliated model," Weafer said. "It was more refined than we anticipated."
Many were hooked and convinced inorder to earn but the truth is... their computers were hacked or becoming to slow down until it was totally destroyed.
Fake Security Software in Millions of Computers
Tens of millions of U.S. computers are loaded with scam security software that their owners may have paid for but which only makes the machines more vulnerable, according to a new Symantec report on cybercrime.
Cyberthieves are increasingly planting fake security alerts that pop up when computer users access a legitimate website. The "alert" warns them of a virus and offers security software, sometimes for free and sometimes for a fee.
"Lots of times, in fact they're a conduit for attackers to take over your machine," said Vincent Weafer, Symantec's vice president for security response.
"They'll take your credit card information, any personal information you've entered there and they've got your machine," he said, referring to some rogue software's ability to rope a users' machine into a botnet, a network of machines taken over to send spam or worse.
Symantec found 250 varieties of scam security software with legitimate sounding names like Antivirus 2010 and SpywareGuard 2008, and about 43 million attempted downloads in one year but did not know how many of the attempted downloads succeeded, said Weafer.
"In terms of the number of people who potentially have this in their machines, it's tens of millions," Weafer said.
It was also impossible to tell how much cyberthieves made off with but "affiliates" acting as middlemen to convince people to download the software were believed to earn between 1 cent per download and 55 cents., which has been shut down, had boasted that its top affiliates earned as much as $332,000 a month for selling scam security software, according to Weafer.
"What surprised us was how much these guys had tied into the whole affiliated model," Weafer said. "It was more refined than we anticipated."
Many were
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Prettiest Towns In the U.S.
As the sun casts its autumnal glow on thousands of picturesque U.S. cities and towns, it's the perfect time to recognize the proverbial winners of the country's civic-beauty contes

Like all beauty pageants, this is a subjective one—but we've received help from several experts with keen eyes for architecture, aesthetics, and small-town charm. This year's pretty-town pickers include Salt Lake City-based architectural photographer Alan Blakely; residential designer Erin Anderson; and painter John Vander Stelt.
We left the definition of “pretty” up to the judges themselves. This sounds great! Huh!
"Inspiring vistas abound" says Vander Stelt of this high-desert northern Arizona town that is surrounded by stunning red-sandstone formations. Anderson puts it on her list, too, for its spirituality, artistry, and "architecture reflective of the desert surroundings." Sedona is home to numerous arts festivals, galleries and spas and a host of outdoor recreation opportunities.
Savannah, Ga.Called the "Hostess City of the South," Savannah was founded in 1733 and served as Georgia's colonial capital. Civil War Union General Sherman spared the city during his notorious march to the sea, and its antebellum character is still intact. Greg Ward, co-author of The Rough Guide USA, counts Savannah's "superb garden squares, dripping with Spanish moss, and its cobbled riverport" among the features that make it "the loveliest colonial town in the U.S."
Monterey, Calif."Monterey is not only a beautiful coastal town known for its world-class aquarium," says Anderson, "but it has a rich California history. You can spend time wandering along Cannery Row (made famous by John Steinbeck) and visit the shops and restaurants, which pay tribute to the old sardine canneries, or make your way down to the waterfront and admire the bay, a natural marine sanctuary."
Lake Placid, N.Y.101 Best Outdoor Towns co-authors Sarah Tuff Dunn and Melville both put the upstate New York town of Lake Placid on their (independently compiled) lists. Dunn says its "classic Main Street, pine-speckled hills and pristine small lakes" appeal to her, while Melville describes Lake Placid as "the closest you can get to living out West when you're in the East. It's got the jagged mountain backdrop surrounding an unpretentious ski village bordered by two crystal lakes."
Lanesboro, Minn.Painter John Vander Stelt says, "Understated and self-assured, this Southeast Minnesota burg is a busy stop along the 60-mile-long Root River bike trail. The limestone bluffs, unpretentious shops and river bottoms offer visual delights."
Guttenberg, Iowa"It's like a page ripped out of a Mark Twain novel where the Main Street storefronts face the mighty Mississippi," says Vander Stelt. "The local city park hugs the shoreline and is reminiscent of Seurat's painting 'A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.' This quaint village is a laidback slice of Americana."
Burlington, Vt."Burlington has it all," says Sarah Tuff Dunn, co-author of 101 Best Outdoor Towns. Dunn says the town's charms include "a brick pedestrian marketplace, Vermont's iconic white steeples and rolling hills that spill down toward a lively, green waterfront on Lake Champlain."
There were many beautiful places around the world. And I believe each one has something to share.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Yummy Sunday

You can also join with Yummy Sunday and be a part of us. Try to click the link above and be counted. Boogie with Perfectly Blended is the host.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Watery Wednesday

Another post for Watery Wednesday. Water is a need, it means life. It gives life to mankind. My son is fond of swimming here. He would usually say: "it's cool Mom".
More posts of Watery Wednesday here. Try to join and have fun. You will really love the different posts and be wet.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Mellow Yellow Monday

It's late to post this meme but it's still Monday
and I'm still excited to post this yellow flower.
Thanks for Mellow Yellow Monday host.
The meme is really great, I have
learned to love yellow thing as well.
Try to click the link above and you will
be guided accordingly.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Today's Flowers
Today's Flowers is up again. I really love flowers of any kind. It blooms and gives beauty to nature and to all mankind. I believe - you like it too.
It's a Thai graduation few weeks ago and we're able to visit a nearby university ad took some pictures. The flowers were so beautiful. More of these flowers with Today's Flowers. You will really love it.
Yummy Sunday
Boogie has a lot of these and you can view more with her Perfectly Blended. Try this out and enjoy the fun.