Thursday 21 May 2009

The Big Lake inside PSU

Yesterday we went to jog in this big lake. If we have spare time we usually go to this place and enjoy our exercises like jogging, playing badminton and brisk walking. We usually go in the morning.
This lake is inside the university. The area is quite big near the mountain. It has a lot of trees and flowers around. You will really enjoy while doing your exercises.
The two buildings that you can see in the picture are dormitories for ladies. There were students staying inside the campus. There were also professors staying around the area. I can say, PSU is quite large not just big. It has a lot of tall buildings for different departments or levels. It's an interesting university. Many foreigners are coming for exchange studies here too.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a good place to have a walk or jog. Very relaxing sight. :)


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