AJ turned 7 yesterday. We enjoyed celebrating with him. He was anxious at first because most of his friends did not come due to some circumstances that is beyond control. Anyway, we did something. AJ ang his Papa went to our neighbors before and invited them to come so that AJ could have a small party. I already cooked and we need visitors to eat, lol! So the party began.
AJ was so excited seeing his friends around. He enjoyed playing with friends. And we are glad that some of our friends came although they came late but we were happy seeing them. AJ got a lot of gifts like a small car, a box with a lot of gifts in it, some amount, biscuits and most especially his favorite Ferrero Rocher chocolate. He loves it especially his kuya, lol!
AJ had a lot of fun. After eating they played outside and enjoyed the fun together. They seldom visit us so they had fun and fellowship.